Who We Are
Westminster Presbyterian Church is a congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America. It was formed in March of 1973 as one of the original 260 congregations of the PCA and was the first PCA church established in Tallahassee, Florida.
Westminster’s worship service follows John Calvin’s 1542 order of service. The “classic” pattern of worship of the major Protestant Reformers sought to return Christian worship to the pattern and elements of the immediate post-Apostolic church. The service consists of four major parts - the acts of entrance, the ministry of the Word, the ministry of prayer, and the acts of commitment. The practice of “classic” worship places the focus on Almighty God and his majesty - as opposed to human personalities and entertainment. The Word of God, the sacraments, and prayer are central in the service. These “ordinary means of grace” are spiritual instruments of grace appointed by God in the Bible for the nurture of spiritual life.
Visitors will note that the Westminster morning service proceeds without announcement. Written direction is found in the bulletin for each component of the corporate expression of worship of the Almighty and Majestic Triune God. The service is planned in this manner so as to eliminate interruption of the flow of thought and expression of the reverent worship of Almighty God.